“A Child's History of the World” has been on my shelf since before I knew what books were. It was printed in 1936, so Hitler's election as chancellor is a recent development, but its preface's goal is timeless: “To give the child some idea of what has ...
By Peter Berger, Register Citizen. Posted: 05/02/16, 10:02 AM EDT | Updated: 13 secs ago. # Comments. Education keynote speakers are typically traveling experts who either never taught or taught so long ago that their theories don't get bogged down in ...
By Peter Berger, Register Citizen. Posted: 05/02/16, 10:02 AM EDT | Updated: 13 secs ago. # Comments. Education keynote speakers are typically traveling experts who either never taught or taught so long ago that their theories don't get bogged down in ...
iQor, a provider of outsourced customer service and support, said Friday that it is planning to hire over 150 people in Simi Valley, as part of a major expansion. According to iQor, it is hoping to staff up its contact center in Simi Valley for a ...
02.05.2016 Königswinter. Ein neuer Pavillon auf dem Petersberg bietet den Besuchern eine Auswahl an Speisen und Getränken. Während der Sommersaison bringt ein Shuttlebus an den Wochenenden und Feiertagen Tagesausflügler hoch auf das Plateau.
Auf dem Petersberg wird ein Biergarten eröffnet - mit einem Pavillon, der an die typischen Trink- und Einkehrhäuschen im Rheinland erinnert, wie es sie oft zur Entstehungszeit des Grandhotels Petersberg gab. Der Biergarten an der Nordseite der Terrasse ...