The team was made up of family members walking for Therese Brodhagen and her daughter Katie who is waiting for a definitive diagnosis. There was deep emotion on the team as they spoke about the support they hope to give each other by participating in ...
Rooted in success. Tim Jean. TIM JEAN/Staff photoMatthew Lane is an eighth-grade science teacher at Pelham Memorial. He recently won the Beane-Brodhagen award from New England League of Middle Schools for his work. Rooted in success. Tim Jean.
As part of the National Farmers Union's (NFU) European farmers speaking tour, the Brodhagen Community Centre played host to three farmers/farm activists last Friday, Feb. 26 – one from Renfrew County, one from Germany and one from France – to discuss ...
Employment anniversaries. 35 years. Laura Brodhagen, Susan Srenaski, Cynthia Zeman, Robert Kearney, John Orr, Paper Converting Machine, Green Bay. 30 years. George Corkin, Donald School, Timothy Hodkiewicz, Charles Reetz, Michael Tassoul, ...
Eine 48-jährige Bielefelderin hielt gegen 20:40 Uhr mit ihrem schwarzen Skoda Octavia auf der Schelpsheide an der Kreuzung zur Straße Am Brodhagen an, um einem PKW die Vorfahrt zu ermöglichen. Der Fahrzeugführer eines weißen BMW befuhr zu ...
Brodhagen suggests the mittens are good Christmas gift ideas as well as a way for people to show their support for the 2016 International Plowing Match and Rural Expo. They're available through a number of Wellington County locations, including the IPM ...