Beim Mutterschiff sitzt Tim Rehwinkel am Steuer. Er war und ist Frontmann und Sänger bei K-Dur, Groovin Goblins und dem Funkorchester. Mit seinen Mitstreitern reist er durch ein Universum aus Singer/Songwriting, Elektro Pop, Indie Rock sowie Funk und ...
Benefiz-Konzert für Familienberatungsstelle der AWO
Like too many lawmakers and elected officials throughout Florida, state Rep. Michelle Rehwinkel Vasilinda did not vote in the March 15th Presidential Preference Primary, as reported by the Tallahassee Democrat and WTSP's Noah Pransky. Most of those ...
Calling B.S. on Michelle <b>Rehwinkel</b> Vasilinda
Michelle Rehwinkel Vasilinda did not vote in the March 15 Presidential Preference Primary, as reported by the Tallahassee Democrat and WTSP's Noah Pransky. Most of those elected who failed to show up and do what they frequently ask voters to do — you ...
Calling BS on Michelle <b>Rehwinkel</b> Vasilinda
“I want to see an open primary and I think more people would be more engaged in elections if candidates didn't have to feed red meat to their party's base during a primary,” said Rehwinkel Vasilinda, who added she has survived an open primary - 2014.
Some local officials skipped Florida primary
Dazu gehören Im Rehwinkel, Fuchsgasse, Igelweg, Schwedenweg, Norwegerweg und Finnenweg. Wie die Straßen am Schluss wirklich heißen werden, entscheidet aber der Gemeinderat. Die Arbeiten an der Straße Am Hoppenberg sind derweil ein wenig ...
State Democratic Representative Michelle Rehwinkel Vasilinda is garnering attention for her recent comments on Donald Trump, calling his policies 'fascinating'. But a local GOP leader thinks she's pandering to conservative voters.
Local GOP Leader Doesn&#39;t Buy <b>Rehwinkel</b> Vasilinda As A Libertarian Democrat
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