It was followed by placement of the mission's upper component—consisting of Arabsat-6B, the Sylda dispenser system and Ariane 5's protective payload fairing—over GSAT-15. With the launcher's build-up now complete, final check-out will be performed in ...
Arabsat-6B + GSAT-15 To Get Going On November 10 Aboard An Arianespace <b>...</b>
Encapsulation of the Sky Muster satellite is shown in the Spaceport's Ariane 5 Final Assembly Building. At left, the fairing is prepared for lowering over Sky Muster and the SYLDA multi-payload dispenser system on which it is mounted (photos at center ...
Arianespace... Sky Muster and ARSAT-2 Muster Up For Lift Off September 30
Sylvaine Le Querrec, Sylda de son nom d'artiste, est artiste plasticienne, et auteur-illustrateur. Sylvaine Le Querrec, Sylda de son nom d'artiste, désirait quitter la côte et retrouver la quiétude des territoires du Centre-Bretagne. Elle a finalement ...
<b>Sylda</b>. Artiste peintre en Centre-Bretagne
The Star One C4 communications satellite is lifted atop the Ariane 5 rocket's Sylda dual-payload adapter June 26. Credit: ESA/CNES/Arianespace – Optique Video du CSG – JM Guillon. An Ariane 5 rocket launch with a Brazilian television broadcasting ...
Next Ariane 5 launch reset for July 15
Madlen Meister ist die ganze Woche schon aufgeregt. Denn an diesem Sonnabend steht für das mittlerweile 14-jährige Mädchen aus Sylda die Jugendweihefeier an. „Schließlich beginnt danach ein neuer Lebensabschnitt“, sagt Madlen. Was bei der Feier ...
Mädchen aus <b>Sylda</b> mit Erbkrankheit - Madlen feiert Jugendweihe
During action in the upper levels of the Spaceport's Final Assembly Building, SKY México-1 was installed atop Ariane 5's central core – over which was positioned the “upper composite” containing DirecTV-15, the SYLDA 5 dispenser system and the ...
DirecTV-15 and SKY México-1 are Integrated for their Arianespace Heavy-lift <b>...</b>
Postleitzahl de Sylda