Ne parliamo con la dottoressa Elisabeth Poley, consulente nutrizionale e lettrice della Nazione. La menopausa si manifesta in genere dopo i 50 anni di età, ma a volte può essere anche provocata in seguito ad un intervento operativo o a un trattamento ...
«Menopausa? Può diventare uno dei periodi migliori della vita»
Martin Poley aus Dassow ist der beste Melker Nordwestmecklenburgs. Der 18-Jährige setzte sich in Köchelstorf gegen 24 weitere Konkurrenten durch und konnte gestern Abend die Siegertrophäe entgegennehmen. Er sicherte sich zudem den Sieg in der ...
Premierensieg für Martin <b>Poley</b> aus Dassow
The School District of Cambridge Board of Education during its April 18 meeting approved several changes to the district's graduation policy. One of the most noticeable changes is the requirement that students register for 7 credits, instead of 6.5 ...
Deerfield Elementary School fifth grade student Stephanie Siewert was recognized April 14 when Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel visited to the school to announce that Siewert had been named the winner of a statewide poster contest to bring ...
Schimel visits DES, announces contest winner
This summer, the School District of Cambridge will offer students an opportunity to brush up on their skills prior to jumping into the 2016-17 school year. Traditionally, the district has held summer school in roughly the first four weeks of summer ...
Frontiers Music Srl will release TED POLEY's new solo album Beyond The Fade on May 13th, 2016.The third audio offering from Beyond The Fade, the breathtaking "Stars", has been made available for streaming. Get your first listen to the song below.
TED <b>POLEY</b> Debuts New Song &quot;Stars&quot;
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