Members from four police stations joined forces in a combined police operation. Photo: Andrea Küsel. Members from four police stations joined forces in a combined police operation. Photo: Andrea Küsel. Members from four police stations joined forces in ...
Though the school year is winding down, those staying in Durham have the opportunity to check out Music in the Gardens, an annual program sponsored by Duke Performances. These weekly performances run from June 1 to July 27, and offer a variety of ...
Spring is here, and while students may be dreaming of summer plans, many seniors are still completing and defending their senior distinction projects. Here's Recess's spotlight on two interesting projects seniors have created in the arts this year ...
Die jahrhundertealte "Kreudersmühle" wurde abgerissen, weil sie "so baufällig war, dass auch tragende Balken im Erdgeschoss schon brüchig waren", bedauert die Besitzerin Angelika Küsel. Alle Versuche der ehemaligen Feldatalerin, die heute in ...
This weekend, Sheafer Theater offers students a show with road trips, Girl Scouts and White Castle. The Theater Studies Department brings “BOB: A Life in Five Acts” to Duke this month. “BOB” follows the story of a man named Bob, who was born in a White ...
The Chronicle's Christy Kuesel talked to vocalist Katie Earl about the music, the band and the upcoming tour. The Chronicle: What are some of the main themes you see in your music? Katie Earl: Love is definitely a major theme in our music. So is sunshine.