Sin embargo, “se necesitan más estudios antes de que haya pruebas suficientes para afirmar que la enfermedad de las encías causa el cáncer de mama u otras enfermedades”, mencionó Freudenheim. Otros estudios han encontrado una asociación entre la ...
by Susan Freudenheim. Posted on Mar. 23, 2016 at 5:59 pm. Email This Print This. AJWS President and CEO Ruth Messinger during a trip to India in 2014. Photo by Cecilia Moreno. The tirelessly ebullient Ruth Messinger was in town last week and took time ...
Pushkin Press has acquired the latest novel by "one of Finland's best kept secrets", Pasi Ilmari Jääskeläinen. Adam Freudenheim acquired world English rights from Rita Karlsson at the Kontext Agency. Pushkin plans to publish in autumn 2017.
ne of the works in the current Nina Freudenheim Gallery show of photographs by George Woodman is called Hymn to Classicism. It consists of collage-effect vertical strips of various Greek or Roman classical or classical revival sculptures, and one–one ...
ne of the works in the current Nina Freudenheim Gallery show of photographs by George Woodman is called Hymn to Classicism. It consists of collage-effect vertical strips of various Greek or Roman classical or classical revival sculptures, and one–one ...
Brustkrebs bei Frauen hängt offenbar auch mit Parodontitis zusammen. Das zeigen die neuesten Erkenntnisse amerikanischer Wissenschaftler um die Forscherin Jo Freudenheim. Auch wenn die Zahlen auf den ersten Blick nichts mit der Brust zu tun haben.