Considerando a proporcionalidade da pena, o Conselho Nacional de Justiça confirmou liminar proferida pelo conselheiro Carlos Levenhagen, que determinou o retorno da juíza Maria de Fátima Lúcia Ramalho, do Tribunal de Justiça da Paraíba, às suas ...
As manifestações sobre honorários periciais serão analisadas pelos conselheiros Fernando Mattos e Carlos Augusto Levenhagen. O conselheiro Fernando Mattos e a Corregedoria Nacional de Justiça analisarão também as contribuições relativas a ...
Two Trump supporters walk past signs protesting the candidate's appearance in Janesville on March 29. Trump's rally pulled in thousands of people who both support and dislike his run for the presidency. Photo by Amber Levenhagen. By Kimberly Wethal ...
GREENVILLE – Jeff Levenhagen was thrilled to finally take the keys to his long-awaited, custom-built home, though friends know better than to expect a big housewarming party. His new place comes in at just 190 square feet. He moved in about a month ago ...
Bei einem Autounfall nahe Levenhagen (Kreis Vorpommern-Greifswald) sind drei Menschen schwer verletzt worden. Ein 21 Jahre alter Mann sei mit seinem Wagen auf die Gegenfahrbahn gekommen und mit dem Auto eines 33-Jährigen zusammengestoßen ...
Levenhagen (dpa/mv) - Bei einem Autounfall nahe Levenhagen (Kreis Vorpommern-Greifswald) sind drei Menschen schwer verletzt worden. Ein 21 Jahre alter Mann sei mit seinem Wagen auf die Gegenfahrbahn gekommen und mit dem Auto eines ...