Researchers in Slovenia have discovered that male Darwin's bark spiders perform oral sex on females "before, in between and after copulations, even up to 100 times". The researchers say the species has a "rich sexual repertoire", including "sexual ...
Oral sex part of spider's 'rich sexual repertoire'
The Long Island, New York, native and his business partner, Jean Gallagher, opened Lewis & Cluck Critter Goods on Prince Street in downtown Littleton, just across from their pet supply store, Lewis & Bark Dog and Cat Goods, on April 23. McClintock ...
New store a coup for chicken owners
Scientists recently stumbled upon a shocking new discovery related to spiders which gives an insight of the behaviour of this arachnid. Slovenian researchers discovered that the Madagascan Darwin's Bark Spider engages in oral sex and to make things ...
Spiders participate in Oral Sex 100 Times before Copulation
Bark for Life, which is a part of Windber Relay for Life, will be held Saturday at Windber Recreation Park, 1605 Graham Ave., where people can bring their dogs for a day in the park. Proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society to aid in cancer ...
In Wahlstedt und in den zahlreichen Nachbargemeinden ist am Montag der Strom ausgefallen. Ursache waren Arbeiten im Umspannwerk Wahlstedt. Dabei entstand ein Schaden an einem Verteilersystem. Ein Arbeiter zog sich leichte Verletzungen zu, als ein ...
Female Madagascan Darwin's bark spiders are 14 times heavier than males and 2.3 times larger, and like several other species of spiders, they will sometimes eat the male after they're done having sex with them. Researchers at the Biological Institute ...
Here's A Male Spider Performing Oral Sex On A Gigantic Female Spider
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