“Reaction to the tour has been very positive,” said Michelle Koehn, executive director of Sculpture Tour Eau Claire, the nonprofit fund within the Eau Claire Community Foundation that puts on the annual public arts display. “I think there's a sense of ...
Waiting in the wings: New Sculpture Tour artwork to be unveiled Wednesday
Gründungsvorsitzender ist der 80-Jährige, der jedoch demnächst die Führung in die Hände seines Stellvertreters Michael Köhn legen wird. Voraussichtlich im kommenden Jahr soll das muntere Fest zu Bacchus' Ehren erstmals von dem Verein getragen ...
Weinfest: Herr Roth gründet Wein-Verein
The winners are Travis Toon, master's degree student in global & international studies, for his essay titled “Kosovo in Crisis: Caught between The Snake and the Zajednica,” and Ashlie Koehn, a senior majoring in economics and global & international ...
The winners are Travis Toon, master's degree student in global & international studies, for his essay titled “Kosovo in Crisis: Caught between The Snake and the Zajednica,” and Ashlie Koehn, a senior majoring in economics and global & international ...
According to Fox 17 news, Nate Koehn, who served in the U.S. Army form 12 years, launched the 22 Veterans Daily Challenge. “I started thinking to myself, what can I do here in Michigan to kind of get the word out. I started the challenge… but just ...
Army vet starts '#22kill push up challenge' to help other veterans
Koehn was a helicopter medic in 1989 when he responded to a traffic collision in Iowa. After picking up a seriously injured patient and heading back to the hospital, something went wrong with the helicopter and it dropped like a rock onto a cornfield ...
'Capital-to-Capital' bikers raise awareness of PTSD in first responders
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