Two Ohio River Greenway segments to open for construction bids soon. One in New Albany open this week, Silver Street connector from Clarksville to New Albany in late summer. By APRILE RICKERT ...
Two Ohio River Greenway segments to open for construction bids soon
CLARKSVILLE — The countdown to Clarksville's first town manager in decades draws nearer as the applicants have been pared down. At a closed meeting last week, the Clarksville town council and town manager search committee whittled down the list of ...
Clarksville town manager search narrowed to 12 candidates
SAFFORD — During a recent forum on the pros and cons of Prop 123, three superintendents of school districts in Graham County all spoke in favor of passage. Sean Rickert, superintendent of the Pima Unified School District, explained his district has ...
Local schools support passage of Prop 123
I have been privileged to have known Mary Rickert for the past 25 years. During this time, Mary has continued to earn my admiration and respect through her honesty, values and work ethic. She is a longtime resident of Shasta County and has a healthy ...
Dave Compomizzo: <b>Rickert</b> best choice for Dist. 3 supervisor seat
Incumbent Kelly Khuri is in her first term on the council and seeking re-election. She faces Terry Conway, currently the Clark County Coroner, Mike Popplewell, Jr., Clarksville's current Republican director and Doug Reiter, who's served on the ...
ELECTION PREVIEW: Four Clark County Republicans eye At-large council seats
Andreas Rickert könnte jetzt auftrumpfen. Er könnte von einem Lottogewinn sprechen, einem ganz dicken Fisch, den er da an Land gezogen hat. Aber der 42-jährige promovierte Molekularbiologe – dunkler Anzug, das Haar adrett zurückgegelt – legt lieber ...
Susanne Klatten: BMW-Erbin will anders spenden
Postleitzahl de Rickert