Nicknamed "Frolic," Weymouth met Wyeth as a teenager, and the elder artist became Weymouth's lifelong friend and mentor, teaching him how to paint with tempura. For years, Weymouth hid a stash of Wyeth's secret portraits of his neighbour Helga Testorf.
Nicknamed “Frolic,” Weymouth met Wyeth as a teenager, and the elder artist became Weymouth's lifelong friend and mentor, teaching him how to paint with tempura. For years, Weymouth hid a stash of Wyeth's secret portraits of his neighbor Helga Testorf.
The works, many of them nudes, stunned the art world in 1986 when Wyeth revealed the existence of 240 paintings, watercolors and pencil studies he had done of Testorf from 1971 to 1985. The news was a surprise even to Wyeth's wife, Betsy.
Nicknamed "Frolic," Weymouth met Wyeth as a teenager, and the elder artist became Weymouth's lifelong friend and mentor, teaching him how to paint with tempura. For years, Weymouth hid a stash of Wyeth's secret portraits of his neighbor Helga Testorf.
Nicknamed "Frolic," Weymouth met Wyeth as a teenager, and the elder artist became Weymouth's lifelong friend and mentor, teaching him how to paint with tempura. For years, Weymouth hid a stash of Wyeth's secret portraits of his neighbor Helga Testorf.
Nicknamed "Frolic," Weymouth met Wyeth as a teenager, and the elder artist became Weymouth's lifelong friend and mentor, teaching him how to paint with tempura. For years, Weymouth hid a stash of Wyeth's secret portraits of his neighbor Helga Testorf.
Postleitzahl de Testorf
Apartments im Land-gut-Hotel Waldesruh Apartments im Land-gut-Hotel Waldesruh
OT Bostelwiebeck 14
29575 Altenmedingen
Land-gut-Hotel Waldesruh Land-gut-Hotel Waldesruh
OT Bostelwiebeck 14
29575 Altenmedingen
Hotel-Pension Elfi Hotel-Pension Elfi
Amselstieg 27
29549 Bad Bevensen